The power of a happy customer: retention and advocacy
When going into business, the thing that will make your business a success is your satisfied. The difference a happy customer can make for a business is outstanding. It can be the difference between increasing your clientele or losing customers. Passionate customers will help spread the word, so it is important to go above and beyond for customers to create a passion for your business. There are a variety of things you can try to do this, it’s just about getting creative!
Importance of Customer Satisfaction:
Going above and beyond for customers is really powerful. Having one customer that is very passionate about your program is better than having multiple customers that are moderately satisfied. Very satisfied customers are more likely to want to share their passion with others, and they will effectively do a lot of your marketing for you. Never underestimate the power of an enthused customer and all they can do for your company. These customers are the ones that will bring in more business for your company and provide strong referrals. The other reason why customer satisfaction is so important is because it leads to customer loyalty, which means you have secured a repeat visitor that you can count on.
First Things First (Alignment):
To make sure your customers are satisfied, there are a few steps to cover. First things first, you need a strong program that works well for you, your staff, and especially for your clients. You need a program that is unique and has the potential to create passionate customers. Another thing to help this process along is to have happy, satisfied staff members. Happy staff are more likely to provide strong service, therefore increasing satisfaction for customers. Using tools to enhance your customer relations is another way to bring your relationships to the next level. Having a tool that can track previous communications is very powerful, as it helps you in remembering important personal information about clients so that you can give them individualized service and make them feel like more than a number.
Providing Superior Service:
Providing superior service means more than just having a great program, it means giving clients a great experience throughout the entire process of engaging with your business. Having a good relationship outside your programs is just as important as inside the program. Building an emotional connection with clients is great for developing relationships as it makes them feel special. If clients feel that they are getting value from your business, they will feel more inclined to provide feedback, testimonials, and referrals for your business. An effective method for increasing referrals is providing incentives for writing a positive review about your business. It is an option to give clients a small discount or a free class if they bring one of their friends into the class, for example. These reciprocal relationships leave all parties feeling satisfied. By following these steps you are bound to gain some happy customers!
Communication with customers is extremely essential! It is important to communicate with both staff members and with clients so that everyone is on the same page regarding business policies or programming plans. Communicating with your clients and being open and honest is always the best policy. When working with clients, you should keep them in the loop about everything that you have going on in your business, as this builds a sense of trust and of validity. As well, by staying in communication with clients you open a window of opportunity to inform clients about future programs or different up-selling opportunities.
Open communication with clients leaves more room for opportunities to get the clients more involved in your organization. This could mean inviting them to volunteer, donate or even enroll in additional programs that you think may interest them. Another reason communication is so important is that it prevents the clients from being left with questions. They will appreciate receiving updates from you because then they don't feel in the dark about their child's education.
Now to avoid communicating with clients taking too much of your time, you may want to invest in software that helps you to track your communications. Doing this can save a lot of time, as you can make templates to send out to all clients and at the same time it improves the quality of communication you can have with your clients.
If not satisfied:
When you face a customer that is not completely satisfied or even dissatisfied, you should do everything in your power to turn it around. While a satisfied customer has a lot of power, an unsatisfied customer may have even more power! When a customer shows that they are not satisfied with your service, it is important to stay calm, avoid getting defensive, and do your best to keep lines of communication open with the unsatisfied client
A mistake that many business owners make is taking critiques personally, which may lead to defensive, unprofessional behavior. When a client comes to you with unfavourable feedback, try and get to the root of the problem so you can come up with a plan to stop it from happening again. To do this, be open to any and all feedback provided by the customer. From there try and apply that feedback to improve the areas that went wrong. You can even provide an incentive to entice the client to return to your business. Oftentimes, though, people just want to know that their concerns are being heard and will be taken into consideration. A previously unsatisfied customer who becomes satisfied may also be inclined to provide a strong review because they are so impressed with how you handled their concerns. Taking the hard tips and adjusting from there will ultimately contribute to the growth of your company.
Having happy customers is obviously very important, as it leads to customer loyalty and clientele growth. Having an unhappy customer can be just as much as a game-changer, but you can then learn and become better from those experiences. Passionate customers are the key to customer retention and advocacy, as passionate customers are likely to share their enthusiasm with others. Take each relationship seriously and understand the importance of each and every customer. Accept criticism and be open to change for the better of your company, because you can never stop improving.